Wednesday, October 26, 2005

STC’s New SMS: Serving Meals at Signals

Saudi Telecom Company (STC) has distributed more than 500,000 iftar meals all over the Kingdom so far this Ramadan. The distribution, part of a campaign called “Together in Obeying,” has taken place in seven different regions in the Kingdom.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Mobile Observatory in Morocco

The diffusion ratio for mobile phones in Morocco is growing ....

10 people - Revolutionising communications in africa. His tool? The mobile phone.

Mobiles have helped ordinary citizens free themselves from the grip of the state. The Kenyan farmer who was once obliged to sell his coffee beans in a fug of uncertainty can now check world prices; the small entrepreneur whose business depended on the whims of a government agency can now operate from any kiosk. Mobiles even play a role in the democratic process, as formerly corrupt officials in remote constituencies are confronted by the vigilant election monitor, phone in hand.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Logische Fusion

TV-Sender, Mobilfunkbetreiber und Handy-Hersteller treibt eine neue Vision um: Fernsehen auf dem Handy soll schon bald zu einem Milliardengeschäft werden. Vorher sind allerdings einige technische Probleme zu lösen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dr. Tareq Swedan MMS Channel

To subscribe, send SUB MSWEDAN to 90000

Service Fees

Price is 20 piasters per MMS received

Service Language

This service is provided in Arabic only

Amr Khaled on mobile phones

Get Amr Khaled daily religious advices on your mobile

To subscribe to SMS send: SUB AMR to 90000

To subscribe to MMS send: SUB MAMR to 90000

Price of SMS: 5 Piasters

Price of MMS: 20 Piasters

Channel Language: Arabic

Example: " أدي الأمانة الى من ائتمنك ولا تخن من خانك"

Africa's cellphone explosion changes economics, society

NAIROBI, Kenya — Amina Harun, a 45-year-old farmer, used to traipse around for hours looking for a working pay phone on which to call the markets and find the best prices for her fruit. Then cellphones changed her life.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Smart mobs has interesting posts

Cell phones provide African solutions to African problems

Global Wireless Communication and Development


Video games focus on social issues

Cellphones bring dialogue and revenue to TV shows

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Mobile voting is coming?

Mobile Voter is a non-profit non-partisan organization whose mission is to facilitate voter registration and mobilization via mobile technology. We were founded in January of 2004, ran several trials of the technology in the Summer of 2004, and have been finessing the product ever since.

We offer custom software applications and consulting services to organizations wishing to register, mobilize, and strengthen the bond with their constituencies.

Contact: 415.641.6921. San Francisco, CA.

Friday, October 14, 2005

حاول "ترقيمها" في مصعد بأحد المشافي

وفي التفاصيل، فإن النائب الذي كان يحمل معه أربعة أجهزة نقالة وأحدها «أبو كامرتين» صادف المواطنة عند المصعد المؤدي الى أجنحة الباطنية بمستشفى "الصباح" حيث كانت برفقة خادمتها، وهو برفقة شابين يعتقد أنهما من سكرتاريته، وبعد الدخول الى المصعد ضغط النائب على زر الدور الثاني فيما ضغطت المواطنة على زر الدور الثالث، وعندما فتح باب المصعد في الدور الثاني طلب النائب من الشابين المرافقين له انتظاره في الجناح الرابع، وأقفل باب المصعد الذي بقيت فيه المواطنة وخادمتها.
وما إن أغلق باب المصعد حتى بدأ النائب بالتغزل بالمواطنة قائلاً: "يا أرض احفظي ما عليك,,, والله يابنت الناس أنا موراعي سوالف,,, بس اللي يشوفك ما يتحمل وبصراحة ما شاء الله عليك,,, ما هذا هالجمال؟!.. هل يوجد كويتية بكل هذا الحسن؟.. بالعربي أود اعطاءك رقم جوالي وأرجو أن تحفظيه لأن حفظه سهل
This is the number of the Kuwaiti Member of the Parliament:

I will translate the full text into English in the coming days.

Ilkone phone with Islamic features

ILKONE Asia Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based company that produces mobile phones with Islamic applications, targets to sell up to 150,000 units of the phones in Malaysia in the first year.
General manager Saaban Hashem I.S said research and development took two years before the Ilkone i800 was introduced in the international markets.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

good source of information on mobile phones

Italy Getting Digital TV on Mobiles
Mediaset and Italy's TIM have reached an agreement that will become the basis for a commercial launch of digital terrestrial TV on mobile phones using DVBH (Digital Video Broadcast Handheld) technology.
Thanks to this agreement it will be possible, in 2006 and for the following five years, to see programmes broadcast by Canale 5, Retequattro, Italia Uno, as well as the matches of Serie A TIM and the Champions League with DVBH, a technology that guarantees a quality of wireless transmission identical to that offered by terrestrial digital broadcasting.
Mediaset and TIM will immediately pool their respective technological know-how and infrastructural assets necessary for the development and experimentation of the new transmissions. The digital format provided by Mediaset will provide perfect reception of the ordinary television broadcasting in digital format on mobile phones and television screens mounted on board public and private means of transport.
The new mobile digital format will be a format open to all system operators. The agreement reached between Mediaset-TIM is not exclusive. The signal to be broadcast throughout the entire national territory will be of DVD quality, and thus without any audio and video disturbance.
TIM will, therefore, be the first Italian mobile telephone operator to commit itself to the provision of DVBH wireless services. The services to which the agreement refers will be transmitted over the dual-mode UMTS handsets able to use the new DVBH technology.
The leading handset manufacturers have already announced that these new devices will be available on the market in 2006.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Morocco - Telephones - mobile cellular

Morocco - mobile phones

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Prayer and fasting times direct to your mobile phone

MyAdhan has launched its prayer and fasting times SMS text message alert service to Muslims in the United Kingdom. The subscription service is simple, sign up to the website, configure your account and then start receiving daily text message prayer and fasting time specific to your location. MyAdhan also allows subscribers to add friends and family to their accounts making MyAdhan the perfect Dawah tool.

Muslims in the UK can also get prayer times by request, without subscription. MyAdhan's TEXTback service can be used to receive accurate postcode-specific fasting and prayer times, sent directly to your mobile, when you need it. More details on MyAdhan TEXTBack here.

The MyAdhan service has been a work in progress for the last three years, the majority of which has been spent testing the service delivery and accuracy of times. Although a number of other companies have sprung up since the MyAdhan preview way back in April 2001, no single company has successfully delivered on a simple, reliable and effective prayer alerts service specific to all UK locations (Most services use general times for UK towns and cities).

Many people argue that a service like this should be free but to be able to provide a quality and reliable service MyAdhan charges roughly the same cost as sending a SMS text message from your phone. The MyAdhan subscriber service is charged at 12p per message received. Each indivdual mobile on an account is individually reverse billed, so the bill payer of a mobile phone pays for the messages on their regular mobile phone bill. MyAdhan does not hide any of its costs associated to its services and notifies subscribers of charges prior to being billed.

Harassment Video Draws Outrage

Harassment Video Draws Outrage
Maha Akeel, Arab News

JEDDAH, 4 October 2005 — Public reaction to a video clip of two Saudi girls in Riyadh being harassed by four young men has ranged from calls for public punishment to accusations of improper conduct by the victims and a poor upbringing by the men’s families. Some even called it terrorism, but outrage appears to be universal.

“We have the right to walk safely on the street,” said Fatima Muhsin, a student at King Abdul Aziz University. “What business do these men have in a family-only area? If this is the way they are going to behave in a family section, then I am for separating the two by force.”

Others favored public humiliation for the young men. “The best punishment for these animals is to show their faces with their full name in newspapers,” said Nadia Al-Ghamdi, a 29-year-old Saudi woman. “The way they behaved is not Islamic because Islam orders men to respect women’s dignity. These women could be our daughters, mothers or sisters. I bet these men wouldn’t agree for someone to treat their family members like that.”

Some said the punishment should extend to the families of the young men. “I was disgusted by what I saw on the Internet,” said Hisham Al-Emam, a student at Yanbu Industrial College. “I was shocked that such a thing could happen in our country and that there are people here who would distribute the clip on the Internet. I think the role of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice should be increased and that they should be present in these areas to prevent such harassment.”

Some people still say that such behavior is rare in Saudi Arabia.

“The Kingdom is still safe and I think that people are overreacting to the incident,” said Um Badr, the social supervisor at a government hospital. “People are talking about it as if it were happening daily on every street.”

She said the public outcry supports her idea. “In fact, the fact that people were shocked about it shows that it rarely happens, and they were shocked because it happened for the first time.” She views the offense as a psychological problem instead of a criminal one. “These men grew up in a disturbed environment because this is not the behavior of normal people. I think punishment will not do them any good. They should be treated instead.”

Others wonder if the young girls got themselves into the situation. “I think the full blame falls on the two girls for walking on the street like that at night,” said Nura Ali, a housewife. “What type of exercise did they want at night? Why they were walking alone? I think that by walking at night like that they are responsible.”

According to Okaz daily, the four young men confessed at the public prosecutor’s office in Riyadh; the file was then closed and sent to the high court. The young men confessed that they did not know the girls before the incident and that they deliberately distributed the video clip of the incident using both the Internet and Bluetooth. The men are expected to receive judgment within a few days.

Psychologist Samira Al-Ghamdi said that this kind of behavior could happen anywhere in the world, especially among young men but the important thing here is how to deal with it on a deeper level. “Some people are not aware of what is appropriate behavior between a man and a woman, and they misuse technology,” she said.

“Openness and development are not about using modern technology but also mental and social development. Not respecting each other’s privacy, not feeling safe in a public place and for men to treat women as objects rather than human beings is the key thing here,” she added.

She finds the young men’s behavior disgusting and embarrassing but we must know why they felt they could do something like that. Is it a personality disorder? If so, they need treatment rather than only legal punishment. “I hope that the blame does not fall completely on the girls for putting themselves in that situation, and I hope the culprit doesn’t become the phone camera again — as happened in the Panda case where the focus was on banning the sale of the phone as if it had recorded the incident on its own — instead of focusing on the misuse of the phone,” said Al-Ghamdi.

She also hoped that this incident would not be used to put more restrictions on women’s movement and access to public places.

Muslim phone calls faithful to prayer

Dutch Muslims are the first in Europe to benefit from a mobile phone which offers five daily prayer-time reminders, points the faithful in the direction of Mecca and has a copy of the Koran in both English and Arabic.

The Ilkone (universe) is already on sale in Asia and the Middle East, and will shortly hit the prayer mats of France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Belgium and Bosnia.

It sounds useful, but as one Dutch Muslim, 15-year-old Mohammed Bouyeri, explained to AP: "I wouldn't buy one. It might be useful for someone at home or traveling, but not at the mosque. Everyone here already knows what time prayers are."


Thanks very much to reader Nasser Ahmed who wrote to note that UK Muslims can get prayer times SMSed to them from - described as "Your intelligent call to Islam" - without having to shell out for a new handset. There are more specific details here.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

عتقال 4 رجال في السعودية تحرشوا بفتيات وفضحتهم "البلوتوث"

قالت وكالة الانباء السعودية السبت 1-10-2005م ان اجهزة الامن السعودية القت القبض على اربعة شبان قاموا بالتحرش بفتيات سعوديات في العاصمة الرياض في واقعة جرى تصويرها ونشرها عبر الهواتف الجوالة والانترنت.

وقالت الوكالة انه تم ايقاف مجموعة من المشتبه بهم "وبمقارنة أصواتهم وصورهم بمقطع الفيديو المتداول تبين أن القرائن تشير الى أنها لأحد المقبوض عليهم وبالتحقيق معه أقر بفعلته وبمشاركة ثلاثة من زملائه" اياه الفعلة، واضافت ان المتهمين الذين لديهم سجل اجرامي "أبدوا مقاومة عنيفة" لدى اعتقالهم.

وقال عدد من السكان ان الصور تم توزيعها عبر تقنية "البلوتوث" في الهواتف الجوالة وتظهر اربعة من هؤلاء الشبان المنحرفين وهم يحاولون لمس فتاة ترتدي عباءة طويلة تغطيها من الرأس الى القدمين. ولم يتضح ما اذا كان تصوير الحادث الذي وقع في 23 سبتمبر/ ايلول الماضي, تم من قبل الشبان المتهمين او من احد المارة.

واشارت وكالة الانباء السعودية الى ان "هذه القضية شغلت الرأي العام في المملكة العربية السعودية بعد نشرها في الصحف والأنترنت وأصبحت حديث المجالس في الفترة الماضية".

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